Fernando De Noronha, Brazil

                     This archipelago of 21 tropical islands, 350 kilometers from mainland Brazil, is famed for its idyllic sandy beaches, marine life and hiking trails.

It's now a marine national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site, where hawksbill turtles, dolphins, sharks and endangered species are protected.

The island life wasn't always a paradise. Between the late 18th century and 1957 there was a prison on the main island.

Fee: A preservation fee is payable (via the Internet or a travel agent) before you arrive on the island. The fee starts from BR36.69 (US$19.6) for a one-day visit.

Varig and Trip Airlines fly daily from Natal and Recife.

                  A trip to Fernando de Noronha is comparable to a dream coming true.
 A tropical island, 545 km away from the coast of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, a bit more than 2,000 inhabitants and where the tourism is developped in a sustainable way, creating the opportunity of an equilibrated meeting between man and nature in one of the most important ecologic sanctuaries of the world.

 For enjoying the numberless natural attractions and experiencing a little bit of the history of our colonization, a trip to Noronha requires at least 5 days. There are countless activitiy and tour options, which satisfy different people and offer to the visitor the chance to see all natural beauties of the islands.

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