Chess Pieces And Use

The Invaluable King :


 The king is the tallest piece on the board, and is as well defended on the chessboard as in medieval life. In medieval times, the surrender of the king would mean the loss of the kingdom to invading armies and that could mean change for the worse. It was to everyone’s advantage, from the lowest serf to the highest-ranking official, to keep the king safe from harm. The king is the most important, but not the most powerful piece
in chess. If you do not protect your king, you lose the game.

The Powerful Queen :

The queen is the only piece on the board during a chess game that represents a woman, and she is the most powerful piece of the game. In chess, there is only one queen on each
side. Many people do not realize that queens in medieval times often held a powerful, yet
precarious, position. The king was often guided by her advice, and in many cases the queen played games of intrigue at court.
    Kings, however, could set their wives aside or even imprison them in nunneries with the approval of the church (and without the queen’s approval), and many women schemed merely to hold their place at court. The machinations of queens working either for or against their kings are well noted in history throughout medieval times, and the queen often held more power than the king did.

The Dynamic Bishops :

         There is a bishop in the game of chess, who represents the church. The church was a rich and mighty force in medieval times, and religion played a large part in daily life. It is no wonder that a figure that represented the concept of religion found its way into the game. A bishop was the title for a priest in the Catholic Church who had risen through the ranks to a more powerful position. In the game of chess, there are two bishops on each side.

The Mighty Knights :


            The knight on a chessboard represents the professional soldier of medieval times, whose job it was to protect persons of rank, and there are two of them per each side in a game of chess. Knights in chess are more important than pawns but less important than bishops, kings, or queens. Their purpose in the game of chess is to protect the more important pieces, and they can be sacrificed to save those pieces just as pawns can.

The Guarding Rooks :

          Like the bishops and the knights, rooks also come in pairs. As such, they also work best as a team. If used strategically, rooks can provide you with great advantage over your opponent. Rooks can move in two direction: vertically and horizontally. For this reason, you should always make sure that they can move extensively and that nothing gets in their paths when you move them around the board.

The Courageous Pawns :

       The pawns on the chessboard represent serfs, or laborers. There are more of them than any other piece on the board, and often they are sacrificed to save the more valuable
pieces. In medieval times, serfs were considered no more than property of landowners, or
chattel. Life was brutally hard for serfs during this era of history. They worked hard and
died young. They were often left unprotected while wars raged around them. They could
be traded, used as a diversion, or even sacrificed to allow landowners to escape harm.

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